CBEO Testbed

The Chesapeake Bay Environmental Observatory (CBEO) seeks innovative ways to explore, present, analyze and disseminate data related to the Chesapeake Bay.

Name on testbed Data set Years Documentation Data access
Observational Data
cbos Chesapeake Bay Observing System (MD-CBOS) 1996 - 2005 link Testbed
CIMS CIMS water quality database 1949 - 2009 link Testbed, GEON, GeoPortal, Hydroseek
CIMS station information (2 tables) 1949 - 2009 link Testbed, GEON, GeoPortal,
CIMS light attenuation 1985 - 2009 link Testbed, GEON
CIMS event data (2 tables) 1949 - 2009 link Testbed, GEON, GeoPortal
EOTB Eyes on the Bay 2000 - 2006 link Testbed
Historic_wq Historic Water Quality 1937 - 1982 link Testbed, GEON
Historic Event Data 1937 - 1982 link Testbed
Historic Station Data 1937 - 1982 link Testbed
mast Multicultural Students at Sea Together Data 2001 - 2009 link Testbed, GEON, GeoPortal, Hydroseek
overflight Data along overflight tracks 1998 - 2000 link Testbed, GEON, GeoPortal
Overflight data interpolated 1998 - 2000 link Testbed, GEON
rimp USGS River Input Monitoring Program varies: earliest is 1975 - 2009 link Testbed, GEON, GeoPortal,Hydroseek
sedflux Chesapeake Bay Flux Synthesis Database 1978 - 2006 Testbed
Versar_benthic Chesapeake Bay Long-Term Benthic Monitoring Program dataset 1971 - 2008 link Testbed, GEON
Model Data
wqm13k WQM output from 12,920 segment model (13k) 1985 - 1994 link Testbed, GEON
Hydrodynamics for 12,920 segment model (13k) 1985 - 1994 link Testbed, GEON
CIMStoWQM13k CIMStoWQM13k na na
wqm4k WQM output from 4,000 segment model (4k) 1984 - 1985 link Testbed
wqm57k WQM output from 56,920 segment model (57k) 1991 - 2000 Testbed
Hydrodynamics for 56,920 segment model (57k) 1985 – 1989 Testbed
hspf57k Watershed model output for input to 57k wqm varies from 1985-2007 link Testbed
Other Databases
HydroSeek CUAHSI one-stop search center with web services. Compatible with Windows.
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